Synthetic Ingredients in Skincare

Synthetic Ingredients in Skincare

Traditional skincare products often include synthetic ingredients that may have negative effects on the skin and overall health. These harsh chemicals can strip the skin of its natural oils, causing dryness, irritation and even long-term damage. Additionally, many skincare products contain harmful chemicals such as, fragrances, parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, PEG and silicones. These ingredients have been linked to various health issues, including, hormone disruption, allergic reactions and even cancer.

We think that the skin acts as a barrier that protects us from all kind of external agents, but the truth is that the skin absorbs a large part of what it comes into contact with it. If you use cosmetics that contain undesirable ingredients among their ingredients, it is more likely that your skin will absorb them.

By embracing sustainable skincare like Noku, you are not only taking care of your skin but also contributing to a healthier earth. Choosing non-toxic and natural skincare products, is a step towards a healthier lifestyle and healthier environment.

I N   N O K U   W E   L E A V E   O U T ...

Fragrances: Synthetic fragrances can cause different allergic reactions in the body, specially in those people with high sensitive skin type.

Mineral Oils: Regrettably, some skincare brands still incorporate mineral oils in their formulations due to their lower cost compared to vegetal oils.  Mineral oils are directly obtained from petroleum, clogging the pores, making the skin more sensitive to external agents, removing the hydration and accelerating ageing process.

Many of these oils end up directly in the liver, kidneys or lymph nodes, causing strong inflammatory reactions in the valve over the years.

Parabens: Traces of parabens were found in several patients with breats tumors. Parabens act as hormone disruptors passing through the skin.

Phthalates: Phthalates may directly influence the protective mechanisms of the skin, damaging the kidneys, the liver and different reproductive organs that play the role of the hormones in our body.

PEG: PEG derived ingredients are obtained from petroleum-derived ingredients that may cause severe skin irritation.

Silicone: Silicone is a substance that can clog the pores of the skin and can cause occlusive effects.  Different studies have shown that sweat caused by occlusion can cause severe skin irritation,  leading in some cases to tumors in the liver and lymph nodes. In addition, Silicones are non-biodegradable products that are really harmful to the environment.


C H O O S E   C L E A N & S U S T A I N A B L E   S K I N C A R E 

N o k u   S k i n c a r e   i s   N a t u r a l,  C l e a n   &   E n v i r o n m e n t a l l y  & O c e a n   F r i e n d l y


Gentle ingredients

Noku Skincare products are formulated with naturally derived ingredients such as sea plant extracts that help to maintain the skin's pH balance and promote healthier skin without harsh chemicals.

 Better Absorption & Oxygenation & Boosts Hydration

Since our products are free from toxic and unhealthy ingredients, the active ingredients will be absorbed easier and deeper into the skin.

Improved Skin Health 

Choosing Noku skincare leads to improved skin texture and tone. The nourishing properties of the natural ingredients that our products have been crafted with, provide essential nutrients to the skin, resulting in a clearer, healthier and more radiant and youthful complexion.

Positive impact on the environment

Noku's products are produces using sustainable practices that are better for the environment and are made from renewable and biodegradable ingredients which have less impact on the environment and help to minimize pollution.


Join to Noku skincare Revolution and let your skin experience the magic of the ocean from today!